
At the age of 22 years old, Ariel Sanches became convertmaster of the Orquestra do Theatro São Pedro, also performing as concertmaster of the Camerata Fukuda.
As a guest concertmaster, he has performed with the Orquestra Vigo 430 (Spain), the Orquestra Sinfônica de Santo André, the Orquestra Acadêmica do Mozarteum de São Paulo, among others.

He won 1st place in the 13th National String Competition in Juiz de Fora, 1st place in the Young Soloists Competition of the Orquestra Experimental de Repertório, and 2nd place in the Pré-Estréia Competition of TV Cultura in São Paulo.

As a soloist, he has performed with several Brazilian orchestras, including the Amazonas Filarmônica, Orquestra de Câmara do Amazonas, Orquestra do Theatro São Pedro (SP), Orquestra Experimental de Repertório, Camerata Fukuda, Orquestra de Câmara da OER, Orquestra Sinfônica de Limeira, and others.

He has taught at the Eleazar de Carvalho Festival in the cities of Itu (SP) and Fortaleza (CE).
In 2016, he participated as a scholarship student at the renowned Accademia Chigiana in Siena, Italy, under the guidance of violinist Boris Belkin.
In Europe, he has given chamber music concerts and recitals in important theaters and concert halls, including the Vrijthof Theater in Maastricht, Theater Heerlen, Palazzo Chigi in Siena, among others.

He studied in the class of renowned Russian violinist Boris Belkin at the Maastricht Conservatory, where he obtained his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree with distinction. He also completed a postgraduate program with Japanese violinist Yuzuko Horigome.
From 2018 to 2022, he was a member of the Tiroler Festspiele Erl Orchestra in Austria.

In 2022, Ariel Sanches became the concertmaster of the Amazonas Filarmônica in Brazil, and in July 2023, he performed with the renowned “Orquestra Imposible” under the direction of Maestra Alondra de la Parra in Mexico.

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